Thursday, August 7, 2008

Aaron Collier

Say what you'd like about his affinities for barricade skating and shorts wearing in his younger days, Aaron Collier's level of skating is on the rise. Here is his part from a video he and some Daytona friends made.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Galactic G Shop Decks

My gangsta bling Galactic G logo is now on a deck! These should be available sometime in the coming weeks from Galactic G Skateshop in downtown Orlando. I can't wait to see kids riding these around town and at the parks.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Mesh Montage

I found this montage while web lurking at work today. I don't know who filmed or edited it but the skaters are: TJ Harris, Mark and Matt Stevens, Aaron Collier, Brandon Stanley, Will Durham, Mike Heikkila.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's a Blog!

Southskate is now a blog! For the first post I am bringing back some old clips from early days. Enjoy these Southskate clips from over the past few years... 

Disclaimer: When forming opinions on the questionable filming and editing on some of these clips please keep in mind they are several years old. Camera equipment and skills have since been upgraded. So be easy.