Sunday, November 30, 2008

M.I.A. Clash of the Crews

Congratulations to MESH Skatepark for winning M.I.A.'s Clash of the Crews Contest. The best coverage of the event so far is on Skatepark of Tampa's website but according to Simon there is plenty of footage yet to be assembled of what sounds like a weekend long rager.

As soon as it hits world wide I will be sure and post it here. In the mean time holler at Simon and tell him to get on it.

Friday, November 28, 2008

USS Tag-Team Game of S.K.A.T.E. December 13th

I have respect for local shops that will throw down serious cash for a contest. Too bad all the shops around here don't make a strong effort to give a little back rather then take, take, take. We all know who they are: they are the shops that sell over priced product and only get involved with throwing an event when they think they can make money off of it somehow...

Anyway USS is planning to give back in the way of $500 to one winning team on December 13th and it sounds like good times, but bring your "A" game because the judging will be serious. Get all the details at their site,

And please remember to support the shops that support you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fuel TV Clip with Orlando footage

Russell Grundy and Aaron Collier

Friday, November 14, 2008


Somewhere back in 2004-05 a couple of kids in Knoxville and Chattanooga Tennessee started a site called One of those kids was Mark Stewart, who has since gone on to do some pretty big things in the world of a serious Filmer Guy. The other was RJ Hess, who made this video you see below entitled "All Day" which is footage out of the very best of the early Tennskate days.

RJ and Mark have come back to resurrect Tennskate. Go check it out and bookmark this url if you have any inclination as to what's good.

"All Day" from rhess on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I thoroughly enjoyed this clip. So much so that I posted it on FOCUS because I was serious about that last entry (see below). More to come from the Weekend Warriors.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Better late than never...

to congratulate Floridan Timmy Knuth for showing up at the Doosh Tore and getting fourth. Regardless of how hyped you are on the marketing machine extreme contest that is the AST Dew Tour, Timmy beat out some big guns in this contest and did it under the pressure of a Mountain Dew sized crowd.

Way to be, Timmy. I think from now on you should be referred to as Tim.