Thursday, December 18, 2008

More Tampa Footage

Nike SB site has a good clip from Tampa AM.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


So what I got from this WEEKENDTAGE was:

1. WEETENDTAGE music just keeps getting better! (or worse).
2. Rip N Dip!
3. Johan may be on house arrest but it doesn't stop him from dropping hammers.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Actually this is the second TAMPA AM 2008 because they had one in January of this year too. According to the Spot guys its just gotten to be too hectic having this huge contest so close to the Surf Expo, and other reasons like the am series can wrap at the end of the year rather than the beginning. Makes total sense to me...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ryan Nix Footy and more of Florida's finest...

I took down the poll for most anticipated video. Looks like more readers are looking forward to the Florida Fever video.

For my next poll I was trying to think of as many legit all time Florida pros, Here is what I have so far:

Andrew Reynolds
John Montesi
Ryan Nix
Danny Renaud
Elissa Steamer

I know there is more so help me out and drop some in the comments! Thanks!