Monday, January 26, 2009

Evan Smith's Mag Minute

Check out Evan Smith's Mag Minute on The Skateboard Mag site.

This footage is courtesy of Mark Stewart, 1/2 of along side RJ Hess. A good part of this footage is Tennessee, Florida, and Georgia.

Speaking of Tennessee, last weekend RJ and most of Knock on Wood came to stay with us. Lots of footage stacked, digi's snapped, and overall good times as always.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just Meshin' Around!

The first ever Mesh Skatepark video "Just Meshin' Around" has arrived! Be there for a video long overdue!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Surf Expo this week...

Rip N Dip hits with another commercial. This one is for sure the best one yet. As if the ad in the new Focus wasn't enough to get you psyched. Be on the look out for a new website and more designs and good stuff to come from RND and the boys in '09.

Also the Mesh Skatepark video is dropping over Surf Expo weekend and it is called "Just Meshin' Around!" HAHA what a fun name! I will post a proper plug for it tomorrow with the flyer and all that jazz.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Viera Ride Shop Montage

Happy New Year, everyone!

Heres to:

Skate videos in 2009
Road trips
cameras, computers, ipods, cars, and everything else not breaking
being artsy
skating transition
getting work done
you get the idea...

And so do these guys:

VIERA - Team Montage II (December 2008) from VIERA on Vimeo.