Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gator Board Shop Video coming soon

Gator Board Shop just put this flyer on their myspace page not too long ago. The video has been the works for a bit and I am pretty sure I have some footage in it. The teams has some heavy hitters like Dane Vaughn and Sam Bianchini so its sure to be a killer video! And on top of that there is a $200 best trick and a bikini contest! There is no reason not to go!

Speaking of Dane Vaughn check out this sick clip of him I found on youtube. That frontside heel is crazy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Dalton Dern gets second at Gatorade Free Flow vert conest

Its a slow day at work today and I was browsing the internet when I came across this picture of Dalton Dern at the Gatorade Free Flow Tour. I just wanted to congratulate him on getting second place and for being able to handplant on a huge vert ramp! That's nuts! Aaron Collier and CJ Dixon were also at the Free Flow tour for the skate park finals. I know they both made it to the final 12 but not sure what the placed overall. I will post results as soon as I find them.

Amaxon Skateboards

3 or 4 years ago I met this guy from MIA named Paul Hurtado at a Innes Demo at Mesh. He was there skating the Demo and was doing some of the weirdest/craziest tricks I have ever seen. I was there filming and he came up to me and introduced him self and was the nicest guy ever. Well I haven't seen Paul since that day that I can recall but he recently started his own company called Amaxon. They have great graphics and some some hard hitting team riders! Check out Amaxon's products and help support a south Florida company!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009