Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nick Adorni Photography

Ohio transplant and fellow Magic employee, Nick Adorni, shot the pros on Saturday at the Dew Tour skate park finals. Peep the entire album on his Flickr.

Kevin Perez Dew Tour Locals Coverage

Kevin Perez put together this clip for Covert of the Locals contest on the Dew Tour course Friday afternoon.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dew Tour Locals Only Qualifiers

Check out this video Kevin Perez made from the Locals Only Qualifiers. Looked like a good contest! Can't wait to see the finals on Friday at the Dew Tour

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dew Tour Locals Only at Mesh this weekend.

Mesh around and get to skate the Dew Tour course at Amway.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kenny Day throws away...

It has been a while since new, never-seen-before footy has dropped here, but I am glad to say thanks to Jay for putting together some Kenny Day footage to throw away to ol' Southskate.com.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cosmic Vomit...Holy Sh*t!

Just watched the second promo to the Rip-N-Dip sponsored film Comsic Vomit by Grant Yansura. All I can say is HOLY SH*T!
Check it out for your self

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Kass Plumber's random visit to my store

It was just a normal boring day at work today when New Blood Skate Shop rider Kass Plumber came into the store. He told me that he was leaving for Europe in November for a couple of contests that he quailfied for a while back. He now riding UK skateboard companyby the name of Jart. Which has a killer team!

Keep a look out for Kass I am sure we will be seeing alot more of him soon!