Saturday, December 4, 2010

Daylando The Movie

Daytona + Orlando = DAYLANDO.

By: TJ Gaskill

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Vans September Shred Contest Clip

Vans Skatepark had a contest in mid September called the September Shred and it really held up its name! The kids at this contest were killing it! Check out this clip made by Kyle Edge. Also keep an eye out for Midtown Skatepark repping in the Top Shop Contest in NC. Good luck guys!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Midtown is open!

New indoor skatepark Midtown has been open for about a month now. And from what I can see kids are loving it! There is already a bunch of sick clips put online from Midtown and I wanted to post a couple on here just incase you haven't seen them. Please go out to Midtown to skate. Also they are having a tag team game of skate on Sept 18th. Go support your local skateparks!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Throw Away Montage

I threw together a little clip of some footage I had sitting around. Featuring Ben Eubank, Jordan Armenta, Chad Poore, Clay Helms, Elena Rosiaro, and Connor Askew. Check it out!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Filmerobics with Josue Sanchez

I have been meaning to put this video up for a while now, and kept forgetting to. Orlando Skate Park and Ergophobia Clothing rider Josue Sanchez (who does not film that I know of). Made this amazing video for all you filmers out there! so get your stretch on! Also check out the link at the end of the video to watch the promo for Time Wasted!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mike Heikkila's Interview on Typical Culture

Typical Culture is a skateboarding site based out of California. A while back a good friend of mine Russell Grundy moved from Florida to California, and ever since then he has been backing the Typical Culture site. I went on the other day to check it out and found an interview of another friend of mine named Mike Heikkila, who is an amazing photographer from Longwood, Florida.The interview might be old but the pictures are still great! Check out Mike's interview and everything else Typical Culture has to offer

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Evan Smith on tour and Skateboarding is Forever

For those of you who didn't know DC shoes just came down to orlando and did a signing at the G and then made a stop by Orlando Skate Park for a little Demo. It sure is weird having little Evan Smith signing a poster for you! Check out this clip of the DC team at the park on DC7zine

Also DC is putting out a video online called Skateboarding is Forever. Evans clip was just put online as DC officially announces him to the AM team. Congratulations Evan!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More Evan Smith update

FTC just finished up there Cash Contest, where some of the best skateboarders get together in this tiny shop that they turn into a skatepark and have a contest. Evan smith came in 3rd place winning a 1000 bucks! You can see more pictures of the contest at the transworld site.

Also Evan will be on tour with the rest of the DC Shoe team across the southern states including Galactic G on March 16 at 6:00 pm

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Blowin' Up!

Evan is apparently all over the new Transworld.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Evan Smith full 411 part edit...

Mark Stewart made this clip of Evan Smith for a 411 Am issue that never came out, unfortunately. On the bright side, you can now watch it here and keep up with more of Mark's filming adventures here.

Light of Day: Evan Smith from Mark on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blake Carpenter Minute Tage

Palm Coast Florida is known for its awesome beaches and being like paradise but not so much about the amazing skateboarders from there. Maybe because there hasn't been any until lately. Daylando's very own Blake Carpenter just had a clip put out by Tj Gaskill of him skating at the new Daytona skatepark. I am going to just say it... Blake Carpenter is the most under rated skateboarder in Central Florida, if not all of Florida. This kid doesn't even have any sponsors!
Also make sure you vote for Daylando on the Berrics! The final voting ends soon!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Vaughan and Alex say F@#$ YOU, finally!

This might be the last of unseen Mesh bangers in existence... Feast your eyes on this fitting tribute to the end of a dirtbag era.

The FINAL Fuck You! from MESH on Vimeo.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Covert welcomes Chris Blake to the team

After Mesh Skatepark closed down 5boro's Chris Blake was out of shop sponsor, but Covert is proud to announce that he is the newest member to the team. Check out his welcome clip.

New Throwaway footage

Kevin Perez is the main filmer for Covert and a buddy of mine. He just sent me the link to this new throw away clip with alot of the Covert guys and other rippers like new Orlando Skatepark rider Willie Wilson,and Galactic G riders Kenny Day and Tj Harris.
Check out the clip. And next time your lurking on Youtube subscribe to OSP's new account.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rip N' Dip Coming Up!

Rip N' Dip boys have a nice little interview on this site. I love these guys for always keeping it positive, showing love for my City Beautiful, and just being legit overall. I hope they let me design a graphic for a shirt one day soon... (holla at me O'Con!!!!!)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Half man, half amazing...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Running Late throw away clip

Tj Gaskill just sent me the link to his new clip of what he calls throw away! Its a super sick clip, this kid is definitly going places with his filming. And also make sure that if you have or you haven't voted already vote for Daylando on the berrics.

or you can watch the clip full size here.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Skateboarding and Basketball...

First I have to say get well to Aaron Collier. Keep ya head up, homey, it will all work out.

It has become more and more apparent to me that I am not alone in the skate world as a basketball fan... And I am certainly not alone as a Magic fan among skaters in Orlando. So I am about to start doing what I have always considered doing but never actually talked myself into, and that is blog about Magic basketball here on Southskate.

What a great day to start too. We pulled out a great win last night against the Celtics at the Amway and I was there to witness. Check out the highlights and if you go shred today, consider rockin' that Shard jersey out in the streets.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Like Woe...

Kenny, I am so sorry, uh... congrats?

Friday, January 22, 2010

YouNited Nations Southskate Entry Clip

Jay and the boys made this clip for YouNited Nations on The Berrics. We didn't make the cut but the clip is definitely a good watch. Featured: Lam Lee, Kenny Day, Jesus Rivera, Damon Hall, Teddy Isbell, Aaron Collier, Sam Bianchini, Russell Grundy Filmed/ Edited by: Jay Meyer

Transworld Film Reel Contest Clip from Jay Meyer on Vimeo.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Did I mention how much I love The Berrics lately?

Look who's about to rip through like a hurricane at The Berrics on Friday!!!! And I can not fucking wait!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010