Friday, February 19, 2010

Vaughan and Alex say F@#$ YOU, finally!

This might be the last of unseen Mesh bangers in existence... Feast your eyes on this fitting tribute to the end of a dirtbag era.

The FINAL Fuck You! from MESH on Vimeo.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Covert welcomes Chris Blake to the team

After Mesh Skatepark closed down 5boro's Chris Blake was out of shop sponsor, but Covert is proud to announce that he is the newest member to the team. Check out his welcome clip.

New Throwaway footage

Kevin Perez is the main filmer for Covert and a buddy of mine. He just sent me the link to this new throw away clip with alot of the Covert guys and other rippers like new Orlando Skatepark rider Willie Wilson,and Galactic G riders Kenny Day and Tj Harris.
Check out the clip. And next time your lurking on Youtube subscribe to OSP's new account.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rip N' Dip Coming Up!

Rip N' Dip boys have a nice little interview on this site. I love these guys for always keeping it positive, showing love for my City Beautiful, and just being legit overall. I hope they let me design a graphic for a shirt one day soon... (holla at me O'Con!!!!!)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Half man, half amazing...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Running Late throw away clip

Tj Gaskill just sent me the link to his new clip of what he calls throw away! Its a super sick clip, this kid is definitly going places with his filming. And also make sure that if you have or you haven't voted already vote for Daylando on the berrics.

or you can watch the clip full size here.