Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Evan Smith on tour and Skateboarding is Forever

For those of you who didn't know DC shoes just came down to orlando and did a signing at the G and then made a stop by Orlando Skate Park for a little Demo. It sure is weird having little Evan Smith signing a poster for you! Check out this clip of the DC team at the park on DC7zine

Also DC is putting out a video online called Skateboarding is Forever. Evans clip was just put online as DC officially announces him to the AM team. Congratulations Evan!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More Evan Smith update

FTC just finished up there Cash Contest, where some of the best skateboarders get together in this tiny shop that they turn into a skatepark and have a contest. Evan smith came in 3rd place winning a 1000 bucks! You can see more pictures of the contest at the transworld site.

Also Evan will be on tour with the rest of the DC Shoe team across the southern states including Galactic G on March 16 at 6:00 pm

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Blowin' Up!

Evan is apparently all over the new Transworld.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Evan Smith full 411 part edit...

Mark Stewart made this clip of Evan Smith for a 411 Am issue that never came out, unfortunately. On the bright side, you can now watch it here and keep up with more of Mark's filming adventures here.

Light of Day: Evan Smith from Mark on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blake Carpenter Minute Tage

Palm Coast Florida is known for its awesome beaches and being like paradise but not so much about the amazing skateboarders from there. Maybe because there hasn't been any until lately. Daylando's very own Blake Carpenter just had a clip put out by Tj Gaskill of him skating at the new Daytona skatepark. I am going to just say it... Blake Carpenter is the most under rated skateboarder in Central Florida, if not all of Florida. This kid doesn't even have any sponsors!
Also make sure you vote for Daylando on the Berrics! The final voting ends soon!