Thursday, December 18, 2008

More Tampa Footage

Nike SB site has a good clip from Tampa AM.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


So what I got from this WEEKENDTAGE was:

1. WEETENDTAGE music just keeps getting better! (or worse).
2. Rip N Dip!
3. Johan may be on house arrest but it doesn't stop him from dropping hammers.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Actually this is the second TAMPA AM 2008 because they had one in January of this year too. According to the Spot guys its just gotten to be too hectic having this huge contest so close to the Surf Expo, and other reasons like the am series can wrap at the end of the year rather than the beginning. Makes total sense to me...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ryan Nix Footy and more of Florida's finest...

I took down the poll for most anticipated video. Looks like more readers are looking forward to the Florida Fever video.

For my next poll I was trying to think of as many legit all time Florida pros, Here is what I have so far:

Andrew Reynolds
John Montesi
Ryan Nix
Danny Renaud
Elissa Steamer

I know there is more so help me out and drop some in the comments! Thanks!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

M.I.A. Clash of the Crews

Congratulations to MESH Skatepark for winning M.I.A.'s Clash of the Crews Contest. The best coverage of the event so far is on Skatepark of Tampa's website but according to Simon there is plenty of footage yet to be assembled of what sounds like a weekend long rager.

As soon as it hits world wide I will be sure and post it here. In the mean time holler at Simon and tell him to get on it.

Friday, November 28, 2008

USS Tag-Team Game of S.K.A.T.E. December 13th

I have respect for local shops that will throw down serious cash for a contest. Too bad all the shops around here don't make a strong effort to give a little back rather then take, take, take. We all know who they are: they are the shops that sell over priced product and only get involved with throwing an event when they think they can make money off of it somehow...

Anyway USS is planning to give back in the way of $500 to one winning team on December 13th and it sounds like good times, but bring your "A" game because the judging will be serious. Get all the details at their site,

And please remember to support the shops that support you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fuel TV Clip with Orlando footage

Russell Grundy and Aaron Collier

Friday, November 14, 2008


Somewhere back in 2004-05 a couple of kids in Knoxville and Chattanooga Tennessee started a site called One of those kids was Mark Stewart, who has since gone on to do some pretty big things in the world of a serious Filmer Guy. The other was RJ Hess, who made this video you see below entitled "All Day" which is footage out of the very best of the early Tennskate days.

RJ and Mark have come back to resurrect Tennskate. Go check it out and bookmark this url if you have any inclination as to what's good.

"All Day" from rhess on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I thoroughly enjoyed this clip. So much so that I posted it on FOCUS because I was serious about that last entry (see below). More to come from the Weekend Warriors.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Better late than never...

to congratulate Floridan Timmy Knuth for showing up at the Doosh Tore and getting fourth. Regardless of how hyped you are on the marketing machine extreme contest that is the AST Dew Tour, Timmy beat out some big guns in this contest and did it under the pressure of a Mountain Dew sized crowd.

Way to be, Timmy. I think from now on you should be referred to as Tim.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


The Mesh video is still yet to be named. I blogged earlier in the week that the video was called FLA All Day, which is definitely not the name of this video. So for now its just the "Mesh Video" until further notice. My apologies for the mistake!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I watched this kid come to town and bank a grand at a game of skate at OSP... That was a while ago, but I hadn't apparently seen shit!

Find more videos like this on My Berrics

The Mesh Skatepark Video

Jake Nursey hit me up with this promo for the upcoming Mesh video. The video, a collaboration of Jake, Vaughan Jensen and Alex Elder, features the best of Mesh skate team's footage from various travels and local spot destruction alike. The promo looks good so sit tight and we will keep you posted on further development.


I just got done watching Mike Mo and Buttery Ass Donovan scratch lottery tickets for like 10 minutes... wtf?

Monday, October 6, 2008

I am feelin' it...

...just like I was when I saw this footage in the Shape of the Streets promo and the Media Frenzy bonus clip. We now have "Skateboard Movie" to wait for from the Longwood crew consisting of Mike Heikkila, Vaughan Jensen, Alex Elder, Evan Smith, Josh Orellano and friends.

This video will be epic no doubt so whatever its called it needs to hurry up and premiere already!

Find more videos like this on My Berrics

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Buttery Ass Ghost Filmers

The second newest Buttery Ass Monday is one I hope all of the younger web lurkers take a moment to watch. I have noticed this epidemic in my own city and I only hope through education and awareness we can slow the spread of this horrible affliction. No skate park is safe.

While you are over at The Berrics site I encourage those who haven't to watch all of the B.A.M.s and anything and everything else on that site which claims the best skateboarding site in the world.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Ryan O'Conner used to be the most obnoxious little shit that would show up at Metro with Vince D. (who at the time was literally attached, I think, to O'Con's right hip...) They used to ride for a surf shop called Bali Blue which made for a great opportunity to make fun of them since that place was as awesome as the gay-blue tee shirts they rocked proudly as team riders. I remember wanting to ring the necks of these hyper-active prepubescents at times when they were seriously able to annoy people around them to insanity. AAhhh memories...

So anyways that was a long time ago and now when I think of Ryan O'Conner, I have much respect. After all he's a real dude making his way on his own terms. He's inspiring, he's amusing, his skating is definitely coming up and from what I hear he's still pretty annoying at times.

And then there is this RIP AND DIP thing... I really think at this point it's safe to say that this shit's got legs! I look forward to seeing this thing take off. If you aren't familiar, check it out here RIP-N-DIP (Warning: this Rip-N-Dip Blog reads a lot like you would imagine O'Con's brain works... really randomly)

RIPnDIP commercial #1 from Grant Yansura on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


DW's Bangerang! is about to wrap. Premiere dates are yet to come. This video promises to be a Central Florida Skateboarding classic with well published characters like Ryan O'Conner and Bert Wooten. DW and his well travelled crew offer footage from cities around FL and the North East, as well as Seattle and Denver. Much anticipated and sure to not disappoint, look for Bangerang to premiere very soon with a fitting rager to follow...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Florida Fever!

Onil Diaz and Jay Meyer premiered this video promo right before the Covert video at Mesh the night of the Expo party.

This video is called "Florida Fever" and features a few friends of mine including: Dexter Caruthers, TJ Harris, Aaron Collier, Justin Lee, Steven Brantley, Onil Diaz, Lam Lee, Nick Bush, Chris Bayles and many more. The promo is solid and the video has officially been hyped so stay tuned for release and premiere info.

Knock on Wood Surf Expo Footy

Knock On Wood : Surf Expo from Knock On Wood on Vimeo.

This clip was filmed and edited by RJ Hess and Pat McInerney. Check out Knock on Wood

Saturday, September 20, 2008

From Knocksville to Orlando to China

The Knock On Wood team came to Orlando last week for the Surf Expo. Knock trips to Orlando have sort of become a tradition. They are always amazing - but this one was particularly special. It would be easy to attribute the trip's success to the amount of footage stacked, photos taken, tricks landed, connections made, or even the overall productivity that came out of these three short days... But I think it really just came down to one sure thing: a fresh perspective.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Aaron Collier

Say what you'd like about his affinities for barricade skating and shorts wearing in his younger days, Aaron Collier's level of skating is on the rise. Here is his part from a video he and some Daytona friends made.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Galactic G Shop Decks

My gangsta bling Galactic G logo is now on a deck! These should be available sometime in the coming weeks from Galactic G Skateshop in downtown Orlando. I can't wait to see kids riding these around town and at the parks.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Mesh Montage

I found this montage while web lurking at work today. I don't know who filmed or edited it but the skaters are: TJ Harris, Mark and Matt Stevens, Aaron Collier, Brandon Stanley, Will Durham, Mike Heikkila.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's a Blog!

Southskate is now a blog! For the first post I am bringing back some old clips from early days. Enjoy these Southskate clips from over the past few years... 

Disclaimer: When forming opinions on the questionable filming and editing on some of these clips please keep in mind they are several years old. Camera equipment and skills have since been upgraded. So be easy.