Saturday, October 4, 2008


Ryan O'Conner used to be the most obnoxious little shit that would show up at Metro with Vince D. (who at the time was literally attached, I think, to O'Con's right hip...) They used to ride for a surf shop called Bali Blue which made for a great opportunity to make fun of them since that place was as awesome as the gay-blue tee shirts they rocked proudly as team riders. I remember wanting to ring the necks of these hyper-active prepubescents at times when they were seriously able to annoy people around them to insanity. AAhhh memories...

So anyways that was a long time ago and now when I think of Ryan O'Conner, I have much respect. After all he's a real dude making his way on his own terms. He's inspiring, he's amusing, his skating is definitely coming up and from what I hear he's still pretty annoying at times.

And then there is this RIP AND DIP thing... I really think at this point it's safe to say that this shit's got legs! I look forward to seeing this thing take off. If you aren't familiar, check it out here RIP-N-DIP (Warning: this Rip-N-Dip Blog reads a lot like you would imagine O'Con's brain works... really randomly)

RIPnDIP commercial #1 from Grant Yansura on Vimeo.

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