Saturday, February 28, 2009

Weekendtage 4 and Cosmic Vomit

I am a huge fan of these weekendtages, as you already know, so when I found out that Grant was making a video and had a promo I was hyped! Check these out: Weekendtage 4 and Cosmic Vomit, a film by Grant Yansura.

Cosmic Vomit Promo #1 from Grant Yansura on Vimeo.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

BANGERANG! Premiere date announced


DW and crew are going all out with a cinema style video premiere in Ft. Lauderdale on Feb. 28th. Check this place out! Not only does it look like a great place to premiere a skate video, the venue is pretty important to the arts and history of South Florida.

Don't worry though, there will be a sweaty, not-sure-if-you're-sitting-in-spit style skatepark premiere which may or may not include a sloppy, underage kegger here in the Orlando area sometime soon. It just wouldn't be right with out one of those.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Rip N Dip Website

Rip N Dip is on the wordpress tip. I dig it! I am sure you will too as you enjoy an entertaining blog, all of the RND commercials, and a store where you can get the official gear worn by Bert, Ryan, Johan and Grant.