Sunday, February 15, 2009

BANGERANG! Premiere date announced


DW and crew are going all out with a cinema style video premiere in Ft. Lauderdale on Feb. 28th. Check this place out! Not only does it look like a great place to premiere a skate video, the venue is pretty important to the arts and history of South Florida.

Don't worry though, there will be a sweaty, not-sure-if-you're-sitting-in-spit style skatepark premiere which may or may not include a sloppy, underage kegger here in the Orlando area sometime soon. It just wouldn't be right with out one of those.


Button Up said...

KMC! Here is the "big" version of the teaser! Please re-post the link with this one! Don't waste your time watching it all tiny, southskaters..

KMC said...

You got it! Looks great, can't wait to see it!

Button Up said...

Yo Kristy,
we got the flier for the mesh premiere up if you want to post that one, and I also have a buy now button for Bangerang if you wanted post that under the Hey buddy one. Let me know!