Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Review of Cosmic Vomit

After seeing Bert's part from Cosmic Vomit, I knew I had to get a copy of the DVD. I've never been a fan of ordering stuff online. I talked to Ryan O'Connor from Rip-n-Dip and he promised that it would be to my house in two days, and 2 days later there it was at my door. The video came in a sealed envelope with Rip-n-Dip mailing tags on it. Inside the envelope there was of course the video, a couple RND stickers, and even a catalog for their product which was sick to find in there. The DVD case and actual DVD look professional not like alot of DVDs that you get from local videos.

I knew that Bert's part was crazy but I didn't expect much from the rest of the video not really knowing anyone else in the video. I figured that buying the video would be just to help out Grant Yansura but he totally proved me wrong. Every ones part was sick! I was super confused to see that Berts part wasn't last but actually first. Last part went to Andrew Considine who I have never heard of but his part was Crazy! Johan Stuckey never disappoints with his parts. Even Grant had a part that was really good and it was nice to see a filmer that actually goes out and stacks clips!

Grant did an amazing job with this video. Filming is great, the editing and effects were awesome. Its 100% worth the like 15 bucks I paid for it. Everyone should go onto the Rip-n-Dip site and get this video and pick up some shirts while your on there too! Check out this promo for the video and then go buy it!

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